What Do We Do

Insolvent Estates Administration

Joint Tenancy Severances

Estate Administration with Foreign Element

Protection of Personal Representatives

What Are Wills

We have a long history of drafting wills for private clients, including documents such as a memorandum of wishes.

What Is Probate

We deal with administrations of estates. We receive instructions from all over the world in connection therewith.

We receive instructions from, private clients, ancestry and heir hunting services, solicitors who do not have the expertise, accountants, public administrators and Court representatives from overseas.

We have dealt, and continue to deal with complicated and some substantial estates, and pride ourselves on our empathy we have with our clients.

What Is Regulatory Client Disputes

We act in connection with a large variety of regulatory control disputes and compliance, which can include the preparation of anything from a complaints procedure, to the reply and settlement of any disputes which may arise.

What Is Court Of Protection Application

There are various matters which require applications to the Court, but traditionally this is where a deputy is required to be appointed by the Court, whereby a client has lost mental capacity. We are also involved in these types of applications for estate administration purposes.

What Is Insolvent Estates Administration

This is where there is a potential for the estate to be insolvent, it may well be that there is an asset which has to be collected in, and creditors to be dealt with. It may well be that the deceased was an undischarged bankrupt, or indeed in a involuntary arrangement situation. Care has to be taken as to how the estate is dealt with, as there are specific rules relating to insolvent estates.

What Is Estate Administration With Foreign Element

This is where there is either an estate which has assets in the UK, but also assets abroad, which have to be dealt with as part of the deceased administration, or indeed the deceased administration which requires some form of Grant of Representation, for a foreign asset to be dealt with.

What Is Protection Of Personal Representatives

This is a wide selection of work, where personal representatives are being attacked for some reason as to information requested by beneficiaries and third parties, and also where they are being attacked for their conduct in the administration.

What Are Joint Tenancy Severances

Properties can be held in two ways, one of which is where there is two or more owners.

Traditionally these are held in the case of a man and wife as beneficial joint tenants.

This means that on the death of the first person, the property will automatically pass to the surviving spouse.

However, owing to possible estate planning matters, or indeed clients own instructions, the other way a property can beheld with joint owners is, ‘Tenants in Common’, in order to change from beneficial joint tenants to tenants in common there has to be serve notice of severance issued.

This will mean, that unlike beneficial joint tenants, on the death of the first person, their share in the property will pass to whom ever they elect by way of will, or if there is no will, to their next of kin under the intestacy rules.

What Are Care Home/Care Act Disputes

We act in connection with various parties in relation to disputes, as to care home provision fees with local authorities and others.

We also act where a local authority has challenged the existence of a potential Home Protection Trust, as they are seeking to get their hands on the property.

We have considerable experience in these type of disputes, and have from time to time saved clients substantial monies.

We will do our utmost to ensure that when we are instructed, we will deal with the matter quickly, and ensure also that we report to our clients the progress on a regular basis.

It is important to us that we keep our clients up to date with progress with regard to their matters. If needs be we will agree a reporting structure by weekly basis.

Important work takes time, we will deal with complicated estate administrations, and receive instructions from all over the world including, Government Departments, Foreign Courts, Foreign Attorneys, Will writers, Accountants, Solicitors, Insolvency Practitioners and Insurance Companies.


Your company has great empathy with us at this difficult time, for which we are most appreciative.


Work is not just about money, it is about achievement.